Operations Closed ๐Ÿ˜”

Compost: proof of life after death ๐ŸŒฑ

Ever since I was a kid being outside, dirty, smelly was a way to keep me grounded.

Converting 566,169 lbs of food waste into finished compost is something I never even dreamed would be on my life path. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have learned so much.

I added new life into mine last year, baby Reed. I am learning so much from being a mama and in that realized in order to continue on my path forward I need to let go of Ground Down. This is my official announcement of the composting of my compost business.

Not sure what the future holds but I will keep you up to date. You can always reach out via email to me here.

Happy Composting Loves! xoxo

Email me if you need ๐ŸŒป